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This section of grain farmland is located 5 miles north of Handel on secondary 657.
The grain farmland is comprised of a productive dark brown soil (Elstow association) possessing a clay loam texture and is predominantly cultivated (93%). SAMA indicates that there are 586 cultivated acres and 44 acres of wetland/bush. The land was seeded to wheat in 2024 to a reported 605 acres.
There are few stones, and the topography of the land is level to nearly level. Overall, the farmland is considered an above-average property for the general area. Vacant Possession with the exception that the Seller has committed to rent it to a tenant in the event it has not sold by April 1st, 2025.
The property has good access with year-round gravel roads Hwy 657 running north-south and Hwy 771 running east-west on the north perimeter of the land.
Farmland & Price Summary
4 parcels
636 title acres (ISC)
605 reported seeded acres
SAMA Information
630 total acres
586 cultivated acres
44 wetland/bush acres
$995,300 total 2021 assessed value (AV)
$252,775 average assessment per 160 acres
63.2 soil final rating (weighted average)
$2,600,000, Farmland Price
$4,087 per title acre (ISC)
$4,437 per cultivated acre (SAMA)
$4,298 per cultivated acre (Owner)
2.61 times the 2021 assessed value (P/AV multiple)
$2,600,000 Total Price