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This very attractive package of 14 grain farmland quarters is located just south of Pangman, SK.
Farmland & Price Summary
14 parcels
2,198 title acres (ISC)
2,034 Vendor stated seeded acres
SAMA Information
2,203 total acres
1,739 cultivated acres
292 native pasture acres
189 wetland/bush acres
$2,323,800 total 2021 assessed value (AV)
$168,773 average assessment per 160 acres
45.0 soil final rating (weighted average)
$6,000,000 Farmland Price
$2,730 per title acre (ISC)
$3,450 per cultivated acre (SAMA)
$2,950 per cultivated acre (Owner)
2.58 times the 2021 assessed value (P/AV multiple)
Vendor’s yard (approx.10 acres) in NE 21-7-20 W2 will be subdivided off including all buildings. Vendor is also going to subdivide and keep 10 acres along the east side of the NE 29-7-20 W2, the cost for subdivision will be paid by the Vendor. The sale closing for NE 21 and NE 29 will be once the subdivision is completed. Vendor is also keeping NW 33-07-20 W2 Ext 2, Surface Parcel 166037159 (1.73 acres). Steel bins on SW 28, NE 21, & NE 33 (10,000 bushels hopper and 20,000 bushels of flat bottom) are not included in the sale and to be removed.
Lease Opportunity
The following land are to be rented by the Purchaser for 2025 and 2026 crop years at $85 per vendors cultivated acres. Vendor states that there are 455 cultivated acres.
RM 69
SE 33-7-20 W2
SW 34-7-20 W2
SE 2-8-20 W2